I started tracking the books that I read on Goodreads back in 2014 & it would not be overstating it to say that it has revolutionized the way I read! You can see my 2014, 2015, and 2016 (which I did not complete. Boo.) challenges if you are interested! If you are a reader & you're not already using Goodreads, this is a band wagon you're going to want to hop on!
Here's how it works: Goodreads allows you to set a challenge for yourself for the year. You decide how many books you want to try to read and then work toward your challenge by adding the books you read to your list. You can also recommend books to friends, review what you read, take quizzes and even win books! I've consistently won 3+ books every year that I've used the app! That might not be your goal, but it sure doesn't hurt, ammaright?
I set a goal for myself every January 1st for the number of books that I hope to read in that year. Every year I have met or surpassed my goal, except for 2016. The year we shall not speak of.
2017 was a great reading year! I returned to university in August, and yet I still completed and surpassed my goal of 60 books by reading 61 books! I know that I'm going to have to work extra hard to keep up the pace this year, with a goal of 65 books, but I think I'm up to the challenge!
In case you're looking for a few books to add to your own list, here are the my highlights from 2017:
March Books 1 & 2 by John Lewis-
The Dark Tower Series (Books 1 & 2)-
Best Non-Fiction: The Devil's Highway by Luis Alberto Urrea-
Best Children's Literature: Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick-
Least Favorite of the Year-
I encourage you to start your own Goodreads challenge as 2018 begins! It's definitely not too late! Whether you use the app or just write your list in a notebook, it is good to keep track of what you're reading as the year progresses. What's on you list of to-reads this year? I would love to hear what you've got on the docket!
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