
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

31 Days of Writing: The Struggle is Real

Yesterday I really struggled with coming up with something to write about. I justified not making a post because I was busy and because nothing compelling was coming to me. I started to get really nervous. I mean, I created this challenge for myself. I picked the topic. No one forced me to take on "31 Days of Writing", but clearly I chose it for a reason. I started thinking maybe I'd just scrap the series all together. I'd quit at only 6 days in.

I wouldn't say I get easily distracted or that I procrastinate, but I would say that I often talk myself out of writing every day (even when I'm not working on a blog series) because of other things in my life. More important things in my life. And then I look back and I haven't written anything real in months.

Surely there is a better way.

Today I thought, "Suck it up, Destree!" If I wait for a stroke of genius or the perfect prompt, I'll never write anything. I just have to write. Stephen King said, "Amateurs sit & wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work". Now, I might be an amateur, but I'll be damned if I'm going to stay an amateur. So, my plan is to write. Even if I don't have a perfectly formed idea or thought. Even if it's just free-flowing word association or five minute free writes.

I will write even on the days when I don't feel like it. Especially on the days I don't feel like it. Because that is the only way I will ever get better.

Stay tuned.

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