
Sunday, August 9, 2015

Leading up to 30: 30 Films in 30 Years

My 30th birthday is swiftly approaching & it's got me feeling nostalgic & thinking about my favorites. So, I have spent some time thinking about it & I have compiled a list of film favorites from each year that I've been alive. Now, I don't actually remember seeing films in the theater until 1989, when I saw The Little Mermaid, but I've picked films from those early years that I now love. This certainly doesn't have all of my favorites, but it's a pretty good start & lists some real gems. What are some of your favorites? Do we overlap at all?

1985-The Goonies (Honorable Mention: The Breakfast Club, Legend & Enemy Mine)
1986- Labyrinth 
1987- The Princess Bride (Honorable Mention: Innerspace & Roxanne)
1988- Willow (Honorable Mention: My Neighbor Totoro & Beetlejuice)
1989- The Little Mermaid (Honorable Mention: The Burbs & Do the Right Thing)
1990- The Witches (Honorable Mention: Mermaids, Home Alone & Pretty Woman)
1991-Fried Green Tomatoes 
1992- Buffy the Vampire Slayer 
1993- Benny & Joon (Honorable Mention: Hocus Pocus, Groundhog Day & The Sandlot)
1994-Reality Bites (Honorable Mention: The Lion King)
1995- Empire Records (Honorable Mention: Casino, Outbreak, Tommy Boy)
1996- Fargo (Honorable Mention: From Dusk Til Dawn, The Craft, Matilda, )
1997- Goodwill Hunting (Honorable Mention: Gattaca, Con Air)
1998- You've Got Mail (Honorable Mention: Rushmore & The Wedding Singer)
1999- American Beauty (Honorable Mention: The Green Mile & 10 Things I Hate About You)
2000- High Fidelity (Honorable Mention: Almost Famous & Billy Elliot)
2001- The Royal Tennenbaums (Honorable Mention: Joe Dirt, The Others)
2002- Bend it Like Beckham (Honorable Mention: Panic Room, Secretary, Gangs of New York)
2003- Finding Nemo (Honorable Mention: Big Fish, Identity)
2004- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Honorable Mention: The Life Aquatic)
2005- Walk the Line (Honorable Mention: Brokeback Mountain, Constantine)
2006- The Fall  (Honorable Mention: Perfume)
2007- No Country for Old Men (Honorable Mention: There Will Be Blood, Juno)
2008-  (Honorable Mention: Doubt) 
2009- 500 Days of Summer (Honorable Mention: The Road)
2010- Tangled  (Honorable Mention: True Grit) 
2011- The Help (Honorable Mention: The Muppets)
2012-Moonrise Kingdom (Honorable Mention: Argo)
2013- Gravity (Honorable Mention: Star Trek Into Darkness)
2014- The Grand Budapest Hotel (Honorable Mention: Wild, Interstellar)
2015- Mad Max: Fury Road (Honorable Mention: Me, Earl & the Dying Girl)

1 comment:

  1. I also love Princess Bride and remember Little Mermaid coming out in theaters. :) Other favs: You've Got Mail (maybe most quotable, too), Finding Nemo. And Groundhog Day goes down in my family lore. I also really like My Neighbor Totoro, The Help, Gravity and Tangled. high quality. :)


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