Monday, July 10, 2017

Motivational Monday: Go Ahead, Just Wear the Shorts

Okay, here's the truth. 

I hate my legs. I absolutely hate them. 

I hate them so much that I don't often wear shorts & if I do, they have to be loose-fitting & a longer length to cover my thighs. 

A couple of months ago, an artist that I follow on Instagram posted this photo. What great shorts, right? As I admired her shorts, I was all at once surprised & disappointed at how accepting I was of this girl's body, but I could not extend that acceptance to myself. I openly, harshly & often judge & loathe half of the only body that I will ever have. 

That really sucks. 

In addition to working out & eating right, I've started to challenge myself on my body hang-ups. If I like something, I wear it. Now, I still try to take into consideration my body type & shape, but I'm sick of telling myself, "You can't wear that. Your legs are too fat" or "Just lose a few more pounds. Then you can wear that!" You can lose so much time thinking like that. In those moments, I have a few pep talks that I give myself when I'm feeling down. In the dark moments when that hissing little voice starts whispering lies in my mind, I now have the right ammunition against it. 

I try to tell myself: 

  • My lower body will always be bigger than my upper body. Always has been, always will be. Some people would kill for my curves! 

  • No matter how fit I am, nothing about the way I see myself will change unless I change the way I think. You can't love your self while hating your body. 

  • Everyone has cellulite. EVERYONE. Use some coffee body scrub. Or don't. It. Doesn't. Matter.

  • All body types are different & different isn't ugly or wrong. Your body is no exception. You wouldn't talk to your friends about their bodies in a negative way. Why do you think it's okay to talk to yourself that way? 


I picked these shorts up a couple of weeks ago at the ARC's Saturday 50% off sale. I've been looking for some great basic shorts to round out my wardrobe & these gave me all the "Nobody puts Baby in a corner" vibes. They're sturdy, high waisted & cuffed to just the right length. I hemmed & hawed over them in the dressing room, but ultimately pulled the trigger & threw them in the cart. I think I made the right decision! 

Denim Shorts (exactThrifted, Vintage Cenza by Palmetto's $2.50
Anne Taylor Loft Tank (exact) - Thrifted, $1
Navy Tennies (exact)-Thrifted, Vans $3.50
Octopus Necklace (exact)- Etsy $15.99
Watch- Fitbit Alta & Band, $99.00 & $12.99
Strap Hat- Vintage, Gifted Free
Sunglasses- Arc, $3.00

If you're struggling to love yourself, take heart. I'm right there with you. Let's make each other a promise, okay? Even if it's scary, take a step this week. Even if it's a baby step, please do it. Wear the dress that you love that's hiding in the back of your closet. Go to the thrift store & get yourself an adorable shirt that showcases your arms. Go ahead & wear the shorts. You know I'm going to!

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love this! And those shorts
    ❤️ Deborah
